My Baby My World

Pregnancy Trimester

Posted on: April 4, 2010

Pregnancy First Trimester

The first Trimester of pregnancy is an exciting and yet scary time and is marked by an invisible, yet amazing transformation. Always remember that the symptoms you experience are generally normal, and most will go away as your pregnancy progresses. Some symptoms you may experience include nausea and vomiting, fatigue (the most pronounced symptoms), frequent urination, food aversion and breast swelling and tenderness.

Although, most pregnancy symptoms that you experience in the first Trimester are harmless and merely annoying, watch out for a few symptoms like bloody/watery vaginal discharge, swelling of hands/feet/face, recurring headaches, excessive vomiting, blurriness and decreased and burning with urination, which require medical attention.

Pregnancy Second Trimester

The second trimester, the middle part of pregnancy, is the most comfortable period and is a good time to prepare yourself for the arrival of your little one. As your pregnancy progresses, the nausea and fatigue begin to fade and you start developing the outward symptoms of pregnancy, namely, weight gain and growing belly. Do not be alarmed if you experience shortness of breath or dull aches and pains in your abdomen, groin, back and thighs as these are signs of your body adjusting to accommodate your growing baby.

Though the risk of Miscarriage decreases as your pregnancy progresses, the possibility of preterm labor begins. Recognizing the signs of preterm labor like contractions or cramping, sharp pains, increased vaginal discharge or bleeding, continuous diarrhea, etc., can help you and your doctor can save your pregnancy.

Pregnancy Third Trimester

The final stage of pregnancy, third trimester, ends with labor and the birth of your baby and is a period of excitement. Large size of your growing baby may bring in physical discomforts and you may experience heartburn, increased fatigue, hemorrhoids, swelling on the ankles and fingers and Braxton Hicks contractions (mild contractions) that last for about 30aE”60 s.

Do not hesitate to contact your doctor if you observe sudden swelling on your ankles and if you experience a rapid and sudden weight gain. Do continue to keep looking for signs of pre term labor like contractions accompanied by vaginal discharge, sever back pain and if you experience more than 8 contractions/h, occurring at regular intervals.

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