My Baby My World

Circumcision decision

The subject of circumcision often takes unsuspecting parents by surprise. Chances are, you haven’t given much thought to what to do “down there” when the time comes. After all, it has been a few years since you were (or were not) circumcised.

To begin, you should know that circumcision is a controversial topic. This article will fill you in on some of the things you should consider about making the cut. If you are having a boy, or want to prepare for that eventuality, you should address the issue before junior is born. More often than not, men want their sons to be like them.

So, if you’re cut, you might decide to have junior cut (and vice versa). You’ll also probably want to make sure that you explain to him why his is kept intact or why his is cut before he sees other boys’ penises. Fortunately, you’ll have a couple years before you have to engage in this awkward conversation with your son.

Circumcision Defined

The “prepuce” of the foreskin, which is the piece of skin that covers the tip of the penis, is removed through a surgical procedure that involves placing a ring made of steel or plastic around the penis. If using the steel version, you may wish to ask for a local anesthetic to be applied to the area to numb the pain. It is painful (since it immediately severs the foreskin) and takes a few days to recover. Sometimes doctors will give the infant a baby Tylenol and a small candy nipple to suck on.

Unlike the steel ring, the plastic ring stays on for a few days. With this procedure, surgical thread is tied around the head of the penis and covered by the plastic ring. Together, the thread and the ring force the foreskin onto a groove that cuts it off over time. The plastic eventually falls off without the need for further medical attention.

Doctors usually perform the procedure a day or two after birth while the baby is still in the hospital. In Judaism, circumcision is performed on the eighth day after birth.

A Brief History

Circumcision originates from religious practice in both the Jewish and Muslim faith, and is based on a desire for cleanliness. Many English-speaking countries later adopted the practice as a way to keep males from masturbating and falling victim to alcoholism. No joke. In present day, the majority of newborn boys in the United States and Canada are circumcised whereas in Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America, circumcision is rarely performed.

Today, the alleged health benefits of circumcision are still based on a desire for cleanliness. Many continue to believe that a circumcised penis is cleaner than an uncircumcised penis. This is because the cleaning of an uncut penis requires a bit more attention: The foreskin has to be retracted in order to clean under the covered area of the penis. That said, a circumcised penis is very low maintenance and easy to keep clean – one simply washes it. No solvents are necessary in either procedure!

Pregnancy weight gain

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that women gain somewhere between 25 and 35 pounds during pregnancy. Of course, this poundage depends on the woman’s starting weight. If she is overweight, then she should gain less and if she is underweight, then she should gain more.

Easy enough. Now, let’s assume that your gal starts her pregnancy at a healthy and sexy weight. What the heck will she look like with thirty more pounds? Don’t worry! It gets evenly distributed throughout her body and doesn’t all go to her ass. Here’s a general breakdown of where the weight goes……

* Baby                                                                   :                   7.5 pounds

* Placenta                                                            :                   1.5 pounds

* Amniotic fluid                                                :                   2 pounds

* Increase in uterus                                         :                     2 pounds

* Larger boob size                                             :                   2 pounds

* More blood                                                       :                      4 pounds

* Fluid retention                                                :                   4 pounds

* Maternal fat stores                                         :                      7 pounds

So, Total Average Gain is                                 :                      30 pounds

To help keep the weight gain on track, your partner should aim to gain 3-5 pounds during her first trimester, which averages out to 1-1.5 pounds per month. During her second trimester, she should gain about 0.5 pounds per week, and she should gain an average of 1 pound per week throughout her third trimester. Again, this is just a guideline, so don’t freak out (and don’t let her freak out) if she gains 2 pounds one week and nothing another. For the most part, her body is doing its own thing. Just relax and enjoy the ride.

Pre Pregnancy Diet Tips

A pre pregnancy diet should comprise of food that has all the essential nutrients. So it is necessary to plan such nutrition and avoid food that will have an adverse effect on your health.

It is imperative to plan your pregnancy, if you need to avoid premature birth and wish to have a safe delivery. Likewise, it is vital to have supplements of essential nutrients that are needed to be healthy. For this, you have to plan your pre pregnancy diet the minute you decide to have a baby.

EFA is Essential Fatty Acids. One of the best EFA is Omega 3. This should definitely form a part of the pre pregnancy diet. Omega 3 has lot of advantages. It reduces the chances of asthma in the infant. Omega 3 also helps to control pregnancy diabetes.

There are a lot of things that you need to consider when you are planning to have EFA as a part of your pre pregnancy diet. Here is a glimpse of that.

Many people rely on fish for the Omega 3, in which case you have to be cautious. Otherwise, you might be welcoming problems. Consuming fish in large quantities increases the risk of metal infection from mercury.

Irrespective of the kind of fish you eat, it will have a huge quantity of metal in it. This way you might end up having a lot of complications during delivery. As a worst complication, the metal poisoning can lead to autism.

Another risk is, that you will be having a lot of trans- fatty acids when you consume large amount of fish. This generally happens when the EFA is exposed to light or air for prolonged periods while packing. A  So ultimately it will turn out to be unhealthy.

It is imperative to know all this before you chart out your pre pregnancy diet. And it is good to plan your diet 6 months in advance before pregnancy.

Always keep in mind that a pre pregnancy diet should comprise of healthy food. Be sure that you are eating a variety of foods and staying away from alcohol, caffeine, smoking and other recreational drugs.

Tips on Getting Pregnant

Ditch the pill

The first thing is to forget about contraception. You may notice certain irregularities in your cycle and may take a few months for your cycle to return to normal. But many women are fertile the first month after they stop taking the Pill. The same holds true for the contraceptive patch and ring.

Fuel up on folic acid

Folic acid is a synthetic form of foliate, a B vitamin that can help reduce the risk of serious birth defects that affect the brain and spinal cord. For this reason, the FDA recommends that all women attempting pregnancy take folic acid supplements for decreasing chances of birth defects.

Quit smoking, drinking and drugs now

Smoking or taking drugs greatly diminishes your chances of getting pregnant and can lead to miscarriages, premature birth, and low-birth weight babies. Plus, research suggests that smoking can affect your fertility and lower your partner’s sperm count. In fact, studies have shown that even secondhand smoke may affect your chances of getting pregnant. It is also recommend that women avoid alcohol when trying for pregnancy.

Cut down on Caffeine

Research shows that too much caffeine can reduce your ability to absorb iron and increase your risk for stillbirth. Avoid coffee, tea, and colas or switch to decaf to increase your chances of getting pregnant. If you are a complete caffeine junkie, then the safe limit would be a cup a day. Try switching to a milkshakes which will boost your calcium as well and assist in conception.

Get your weight in check

Healthy weight women have an easier time getting pregnant than overweight or underweight women. Studies show that women whose body mass index (BMI) is below 20 or above 30 have a harder time getting pregnant, so it’s a good idea to try to get yourself into the 20 to 30 range before you start trying.

Timing is Everything

You will have little chance of getting pregnant if you had sex on the wrong days and missed the most fertile ones. Figure out your ovulation days.

Mind Control

Women who suffer from depression are twice as likely to have problems with fertility as women who don’t. Get a mental health check if you notice signs of depression. Also, try stress management techniques, such as yoga and meditation, which research suggests can also help in getting pregnant.

Buy something sexy

Some experts say that if a woman is highly aroused while she’s having sex, the sperm has a better chance of fertilizing her egg. Others say it makes absolutely no difference. It definitely wont hurt and may even help in boosting your libido and killing that awkward feeling of having sex for pregnancy.

Positioning yourself

Many experts suspect that the missionary position (man on top) provides the best opportunity for getting pregnant, though no definitive studies have been done on this question. This position allows for the deepest penetration which deposits sperm closer to the cervix. For additional effectiveness, the woman can try elevating her hips with a pillow so her cervix is exposed to the maximum amount of semen. Other positions could be Rear entry and lying side-by-side. Avoid woman on top, standing, or leaning positions, which discourage the flow of semen to the uterus.

Increase the Odds

Make your vaginal environment as sperm-friendly as possible. Avoid vaginal sprays and scented tampons, artificial lubricants, and douching. Not only can they cause infections, they may wash away cervical mucus or create a hostile environment for the sperm.

If you find that your cervical mucus is not as conducive of getting pregnant as it should be, you may want to try a specific type of lubricant. Pre-Seed lubricant is the sperm friendly choice of many people trying to get pregnant. After intercourse, elevate your hips on a pillow for about fifteen minutes.

For your man

Ask your partner to chuck all briefs and opt for boxers instead for a healthy sperm count. Also, having sex in the morning would help since the semen has the highest number of sperm then.

Finally Getting pregnant isn’t always easy. Very few couples conceive on the first try. In fact, even if everything is absolutely in perfect working order, you only have a 20-25% chance of conception each month. If you are under 30, and haven’t conceived in 12 months, you should make an appointment to see your doctor as there could be some issues at play with are preventing you from getting pregnant. If you are over 35, and haven’t succeeded in getting pregnant in six months, make an appointment to see your doctor, as infertility issues become more prevalent the older you get. If you are over 40, then do not delay in getting medical help.

I hope above tips will make you pregnant successfully. Thank you for visiting this blog.

Sex and pregnancy

Like many other 1st time fathers (and 1st time mothers, for that matter) you are probably wondering how pregnancy will affect your sex life. The good news is that sex is safe during ALL stages of pregnancy. The bad news is that, as the pregnancy progresses, the big bulge your partner is carrying in her tummy, her hemorrhoids (!) and her swelling may put a damper on what used to be a sex life. Simply put, you will have to be more creative in the bedroom, both in terms of sexual positions and seduction. Don’t worry, you aren’t poking junior in the head. At most, your partner’s vaginal contractions will be a calming massage for the bun in her oven.

Side-by-Side and Spooning

Until your partner’s belly gets too large, you can play around with side-by-side positions. Try penetrating your partner while lying face-to-face on either your left or right side. From here, your gal can wrap one leg around your back or between your legs. You can modify this position by spooning your partner and entering her from behind.


This position will likely be the most enjoyable for your girl since it allows you to go deep, but not so deep that it hurts. Just make sure that she has something soft, like a pillow, to lean on with her arms. Her weight has increased, so she will need the-extra support under her arms. While you thrust, you can caress her breasts or stimulate her clitoris. She will love it.


The best thing about this position is its versatility. There is the basic position where your gal straddles you by placing her knees on either side of you. From here she can simply begin thrusting and you can fondle her genitalia and/or breasts.

To vary this position slightly, bend your knees so that your partner can lean back for support while she thrusts. This leaning position increases penetration and is quite relaxing for your partner.

Another woman-on-top position is the back-to-front position (aka “ride a cock horse”). Here, your partner will sit deep down onto your penis with her back facing you. Bending her knees, she will lean back and support her weight with her arms, which will be placed just above your shoulders. Again, your hands will be free to pleasure her while she continues thrusting with her hips.

Mutual Masturbation

If you are nearing the end of the pregnancy or if your physician has recommended that you and your partner abstain from intercourse, then you can always resort to mutual masturbation. This can be very erotic and quite intimate, despite the fact that it doesn’t involve penetration by your penis. Experiment with your hands and with toys, such as a vibrator. Oral sex is also fine, provided that you do not blow air into her vagina.

Don’t worry, there are many other positions and gyrations you can play with throughout pregnancy. Consider this a time to be a teenager again and have fun experimenting with new sexual positions. After all, you don’t have to worry about getting your partner pregnant since we know that you have already done that quite successfully.

Before you go crazy in the bedroom, you should know that any position that requires your partner to lie on her back after her fourth month is potentially dangerous because the weight of the uterus and baby can put pressure on the major blood vessels in her body. And if your partner’s pregnancy is considered “high risk,” then her medical practitioner will likely advise that you kids avoid intercourse for all or part of the pregnancy.

However, other than these considerations, sex gets the green light in pregnancy. Have fun and enjoy it while you can since it may become a distant memory for several weeks after the baby is born.

You should also know a few more things

First, your partner may not be as clean between the legs as she used to be. Thanks to hormones and other pregnancy delights, your partner’s bodily secretions have increased tremendously.

Second, your partner’s desire for sex will fluctuate as much as her moods throughout the next 9 1/2 months. While some women experience intense sexual desires due to their raging hormones and increasingly voluptuous body, others experience a decreased interest in sex for the exact same reasons.

And third, you may even find that your own desire for sex may fluctuate. Concerned about hurting your baby? Feel awkward about “doing it” while your baby hangs out in your partner’s womb? Or are you generally anxious about impending parenthood? All these feelings are normal. Talk them out with your partner, she’ll appreciate your openness and may even find it sexy. But if none of these issues bother you and your sex drive is strong, then go for it!

Heartburn in pregnancy is actually quite common. Follow these simple tips to help alleviate your symptoms…

During pregnancy, common everyday ailments tend to feel worse, especially during the first and third trimesters. Heartburn is no different. Heartburn is a common ailment, and during pregnancy it tends to surface even more. Most women experience heartburn in pregnancy at some point during their nine-month journey. However, some can be affected worse than others. Fret not — there are things you can do to limit the severity of heartburn during your pregnancy. During the third trimester the baby grows big enough to put pressure on your stomach. This causes the acid in the stomach to reflux. This can be easily avoided, however by avoiding binging and by eating small meals. This will keep acid reflux at bay. Instead of eating three large meals, try to eat five to six smaller meals spread throughout the day.

Your sleeping position can also cause acid to reflux. Sleep with your head and torso elevated to keep the food down in your stomach. Keep yourself comfortable by putting a pillow under your head and your back. Also, try to avoid going to bed within two hours of eating. Wait at least two hours before lying down to give your body some time to digest the food. As a general rule, go to bed two to three hours after you eat to mitigate heartburn in pregnancy. Watching your posture can help prevent heartburn from occurring. Putting pressure on your stomach can cause heartburn in pregnancy. When you sit, do so in an upright position to keep the pressure off your stomach. When you stand or walk, keep your posture erect for the same reason.

A less common way to alleviate heartburn is to wear loose clothing. (Though you probably do this already.) This will also ease the pressure in your stomach. Wearing tight clothing puts unnecessary strain on your stomach and can encourage acid to come up into your esophagus, causing heartburn in pregnancy.

Perhaps the best way to avoid heartburn all together is to stay away from foods that are known to cause heartburn. For obvious reasons, alcohol should be avoided at all costs during pregnancy. Also on the restricted list are chocolate, citrus fruits, tomato-based foods, soft drinks, coffee and acidic juices.

Sipping water throughout your daily activities as opposed to chugging it occasionally can also help. Avoid fried food, food richen fat and vinegar as well. Large quantities of water can actually increase heartburn in pregnancy. By eliminating these foods from your daily diet, you can alleviate the symptoms of heartburn in pregnancy.

Pregnancy First Trimester

The first Trimester of pregnancy is an exciting and yet scary time and is marked by an invisible, yet amazing transformation. Always remember that the symptoms you experience are generally normal, and most will go away as your pregnancy progresses. Some symptoms you may experience include nausea and vomiting, fatigue (the most pronounced symptoms), frequent urination, food aversion and breast swelling and tenderness.

Although, most pregnancy symptoms that you experience in the first Trimester are harmless and merely annoying, watch out for a few symptoms like bloody/watery vaginal discharge, swelling of hands/feet/face, recurring headaches, excessive vomiting, blurriness and decreased and burning with urination, which require medical attention.

Pregnancy Second Trimester

The second trimester, the middle part of pregnancy, is the most comfortable period and is a good time to prepare yourself for the arrival of your little one. As your pregnancy progresses, the nausea and fatigue begin to fade and you start developing the outward symptoms of pregnancy, namely, weight gain and growing belly. Do not be alarmed if you experience shortness of breath or dull aches and pains in your abdomen, groin, back and thighs as these are signs of your body adjusting to accommodate your growing baby.

Though the risk of Miscarriage decreases as your pregnancy progresses, the possibility of preterm labor begins. Recognizing the signs of preterm labor like contractions or cramping, sharp pains, increased vaginal discharge or bleeding, continuous diarrhea, etc., can help you and your doctor can save your pregnancy.

Pregnancy Third Trimester

The final stage of pregnancy, third trimester, ends with labor and the birth of your baby and is a period of excitement. Large size of your growing baby may bring in physical discomforts and you may experience heartburn, increased fatigue, hemorrhoids, swelling on the ankles and fingers and Braxton Hicks contractions (mild contractions) that last for about 30aE”60 s.

Do not hesitate to contact your doctor if you observe sudden swelling on your ankles and if you experience a rapid and sudden weight gain. Do continue to keep looking for signs of pre term labor like contractions accompanied by vaginal discharge, sever back pain and if you experience more than 8 contractions/h, occurring at regular intervals.

After Pregnancy Tips

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After having a baby, you’re likely anxious to get back to work in getting your old body back. Although some things have changed, including the time you’re able to devote to yourself and the time you have to prepare healthy meals, you still need to make healthy eating after a pregnancy a priority. You shouldn’t be too strict on yourself after having a baby, but instituting easy dieting tips can help you make better food choices and lose weight without depriving yourself of your favorite foods and restricting your self to an unforgiving diet regimen.

  • Talk to Your Doctor

Before you start dieting after having a baby, make sure that you visit your doctor for your six-week postpartum check-up. Your body needs ample time to recover after having a baby, notes, and it needs enough time to establish a good milk supply if you’re breastfeeding. Eat a sensible but nonrestrictive diet for the first six weeks. After your doctor gives you the go ahead, you can try a more aggressive diet plan.

  • Stash Snacks

Keep a myriad of snacks on hand. For the first few months after bringing a new baby home, you’ll likely find yourself unable to do much more than sit on the couch and feed the baby. Prepare all of your snacks once a week while your baby is napping. Then when you need a quick snack, you’ll have cut veggies and fruit, cheese cubes and crackers readily available to grab and go, and you won’t resort to convenient but unhealthy snacks such as chips or cookies.

  • Small Meals

New moms are always on the go, making elaborate, sit-down meals nonexistent for the first few months. Do away with three meals a day and instead try five smaller meals a day that you can eat quickly, recommends the Mayo Clinic. You’ll never be hungry, and you’ll stimulate your metabolism to constantly burn fat and calories by constantly eating. By never allowing yourself to get hungry, you do away with a slow metabolism that stores calories and fat in your body.

  • Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is nature’s way of getting your pre-baby body back. Fisher Price estimates that breastfeeding burns around 500 calories per day, but it also stimulates your appetite. Load up on fiber-rich foods such as veggies, legumes, nuts and whole grains so you feel full on less calories. Then breastfeed for as long as you can for a healthier baby and a healthier you.

  • Exercise with Baby

Don’t forget to add exercise to a healthy diet as you try to lose the baby weight. You may be limited in the activities you can do with a baby on your hip, but you can certainly go for a walk, do some squats and lunges with baby in hand, or look for a mommy and me baby yoga class to keep your physical activity level high as you eat more sensibly to lose weight.

What you looking for……

here is some beautiful  bays name, I hope you will any of them MAMA..

1. Jacob & Emily

2. Michael & Emma

3. Joshua & Madison

4. Matthew & Olivia

5. Ethan & Hannah

6. Andrew & Abigail

7. Daniel & Isabella

8. William & Ashley

9. Joseph & Samantha

10. Christopher & Elizabeth

11. Anthony & Alexis

12. Ryan & Sarah

13. Nicholas & Grace

14. David & Alyssa

15. Alexander & Sophia

16. Tyler & Lauren

17. James & Brianna

18. John & Kayla

19. Dylan & Natalie

20. Nathan & Anna

21. Jonathan & Jessica

22. Brandon & Taylor

23. Samuel & Chloe

24. Christian & Hailey

25. Benjamin & Ava

26. Zachary & Jasmine

27. Logan & Sydney

28. Jose & Victoria

29. Noah & Ella

30. Justin & Mia

31. Elijah & Morgan

32. Gabriel & Julia

33. Caleb & Kaitlyn

34. Kevin & Rachel

35. Austin & Katherine

36. Robert & Megan

37. Thomas & Alexandra

38. Connor & Jennifer

39. Evan & Destiny

40. Aidan & Allison

41. Jack & Savannah

42. Luke & Haley

43. Jordan & Mackenzie

44. Angel & Brooke

45. Isaiah & Maria

46. Isaac & Nicole

47. Jason & Makayla

48. Jackson & Trinity

49. Hunter & Kylie

50. Cameron & Kaylee

51. Gavin & Paige

52. Mason & Lily

53. Aaron & Faith

54. Juan & Zoe

55. Kyle & Stephanie

56. Charles & Jenna

57. Luis & &rea

58. Adam & Riley

59. Brian & Katelyn

60. Aiden & Angelina

61. Eric & Kimberly

62. Jayden & Madeline

63. Alex & Mary

64. Bryan & Leah

65. Sean & Lillian

66. Owen & Michelle

67. Lucas & Am&a

68. Nathaniel & Sara

69. Ian & Sofia

70. Jesus & Jordan

71. Carlos & Alexa

72. Adrian & Rebecca

73. Diego & Gabrielle

74. Julian & Caroline

75. Cole & Vanessa

76. Ashton & Gabriella

77. Steven & Avery

78. Jeremiah & Marissa

79. Timothy & Ariana

80. Chase & Audrey

81. Devin & Jada

82. Seth & Autumn

83. Jaden & Evelyn

84. Colin & Jocelyn

85.  Cody & Maya

86. Landon & Arianna

87. Carter & Isabel

88. Hayden & Amber

89. Xavier & Melanie

90. Wyatt & Diana

91. Dominic & Danielle

92. Richard & Sierra

93. Antonio & Leslie

94. Jesse & Aaliyah

95. Blake & Erin

96. Sebastian & Amelia

97. Miguel & Molly

98. Jake & Claire

99. Alejandro & Bailey

100. Patrick & Melissa

In this fast changing world, birth control has been considered as one of the important tools to enjoy your family life. Sometimes after pregnancy too, you will be thinking of which Contraception will work best for you after your baby is born.

There are many different types of birth control methods available today. The type of birth control you choose depends on your needs and that is best for you. Only you can decide what is best for you.