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Sex and pregnancy

Like many other 1st time fathers (and 1st time mothers, for that matter) you are probably wondering how pregnancy will affect your sex life. The good news is that sex is safe during ALL stages of pregnancy. The bad news is that, as the pregnancy progresses, the big bulge your partner is carrying in her tummy, her hemorrhoids (!) and her swelling may put a damper on what used to be a sex life. Simply put, you will have to be more creative in the bedroom, both in terms of sexual positions and seduction. Don’t worry, you aren’t poking junior in the head. At most, your partner’s vaginal contractions will be a calming massage for the bun in her oven.

Side-by-Side and Spooning

Until your partner’s belly gets too large, you can play around with side-by-side positions. Try penetrating your partner while lying face-to-face on either your left or right side. From here, your gal can wrap one leg around your back or between your legs. You can modify this position by spooning your partner and entering her from behind.


This position will likely be the most enjoyable for your girl since it allows you to go deep, but not so deep that it hurts. Just make sure that she has something soft, like a pillow, to lean on with her arms. Her weight has increased, so she will need the-extra support under her arms. While you thrust, you can caress her breasts or stimulate her clitoris. She will love it.


The best thing about this position is its versatility. There is the basic position where your gal straddles you by placing her knees on either side of you. From here she can simply begin thrusting and you can fondle her genitalia and/or breasts.

To vary this position slightly, bend your knees so that your partner can lean back for support while she thrusts. This leaning position increases penetration and is quite relaxing for your partner.

Another woman-on-top position is the back-to-front position (aka “ride a cock horse”). Here, your partner will sit deep down onto your penis with her back facing you. Bending her knees, she will lean back and support her weight with her arms, which will be placed just above your shoulders. Again, your hands will be free to pleasure her while she continues thrusting with her hips.

Mutual Masturbation

If you are nearing the end of the pregnancy or if your physician has recommended that you and your partner abstain from intercourse, then you can always resort to mutual masturbation. This can be very erotic and quite intimate, despite the fact that it doesn’t involve penetration by your penis. Experiment with your hands and with toys, such as a vibrator. Oral sex is also fine, provided that you do not blow air into her vagina.

Don’t worry, there are many other positions and gyrations you can play with throughout pregnancy. Consider this a time to be a teenager again and have fun experimenting with new sexual positions. After all, you don’t have to worry about getting your partner pregnant since we know that you have already done that quite successfully.

Before you go crazy in the bedroom, you should know that any position that requires your partner to lie on her back after her fourth month is potentially dangerous because the weight of the uterus and baby can put pressure on the major blood vessels in her body. And if your partner’s pregnancy is considered “high risk,” then her medical practitioner will likely advise that you kids avoid intercourse for all or part of the pregnancy.

However, other than these considerations, sex gets the green light in pregnancy. Have fun and enjoy it while you can since it may become a distant memory for several weeks after the baby is born.

You should also know a few more things

First, your partner may not be as clean between the legs as she used to be. Thanks to hormones and other pregnancy delights, your partner’s bodily secretions have increased tremendously.

Second, your partner’s desire for sex will fluctuate as much as her moods throughout the next 9 1/2 months. While some women experience intense sexual desires due to their raging hormones and increasingly voluptuous body, others experience a decreased interest in sex for the exact same reasons.

And third, you may even find that your own desire for sex may fluctuate. Concerned about hurting your baby? Feel awkward about “doing it” while your baby hangs out in your partner’s womb? Or are you generally anxious about impending parenthood? All these feelings are normal. Talk them out with your partner, she’ll appreciate your openness and may even find it sexy. But if none of these issues bother you and your sex drive is strong, then go for it!