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Posts Tagged ‘Pregnancy weight

Pregnancy weight gain

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that women gain somewhere between 25 and 35 pounds during pregnancy. Of course, this poundage depends on the woman’s starting weight. If she is overweight, then she should gain less and if she is underweight, then she should gain more.

Easy enough. Now, let’s assume that your gal starts her pregnancy at a healthy and sexy weight. What the heck will she look like with thirty more pounds? Don’t worry! It gets evenly distributed throughout her body and doesn’t all go to her ass. Here’s a general breakdown of where the weight goes……

* Baby                                                                   :                   7.5 pounds

* Placenta                                                            :                   1.5 pounds

* Amniotic fluid                                                :                   2 pounds

* Increase in uterus                                         :                     2 pounds

* Larger boob size                                             :                   2 pounds

* More blood                                                       :                      4 pounds

* Fluid retention                                                :                   4 pounds

* Maternal fat stores                                         :                      7 pounds

So, Total Average Gain is                                 :                      30 pounds

To help keep the weight gain on track, your partner should aim to gain 3-5 pounds during her first trimester, which averages out to 1-1.5 pounds per month. During her second trimester, she should gain about 0.5 pounds per week, and she should gain an average of 1 pound per week throughout her third trimester. Again, this is just a guideline, so don’t freak out (and don’t let her freak out) if she gains 2 pounds one week and nothing another. For the most part, her body is doing its own thing. Just relax and enjoy the ride.