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Posts Tagged ‘Pregnancy Diet Tips

Pre Pregnancy Diet Tips

A pre pregnancy diet should comprise of food that has all the essential nutrients. So it is necessary to plan such nutrition and avoid food that will have an adverse effect on your health.

It is imperative to plan your pregnancy, if you need to avoid premature birth and wish to have a safe delivery. Likewise, it is vital to have supplements of essential nutrients that are needed to be healthy. For this, you have to plan your pre pregnancy diet the minute you decide to have a baby.

EFA is Essential Fatty Acids. One of the best EFA is Omega 3. This should definitely form a part of the pre pregnancy diet. Omega 3 has lot of advantages. It reduces the chances of asthma in the infant. Omega 3 also helps to control pregnancy diabetes.

There are a lot of things that you need to consider when you are planning to have EFA as a part of your pre pregnancy diet. Here is a glimpse of that.

Many people rely on fish for the Omega 3, in which case you have to be cautious. Otherwise, you might be welcoming problems. Consuming fish in large quantities increases the risk of metal infection from mercury.

Irrespective of the kind of fish you eat, it will have a huge quantity of metal in it. This way you might end up having a lot of complications during delivery. As a worst complication, the metal poisoning can lead to autism.

Another risk is, that you will be having a lot of trans- fatty acids when you consume large amount of fish. This generally happens when the EFA is exposed to light or air for prolonged periods while packing. A  So ultimately it will turn out to be unhealthy.

It is imperative to know all this before you chart out your pre pregnancy diet. And it is good to plan your diet 6 months in advance before pregnancy.

Always keep in mind that a pre pregnancy diet should comprise of healthy food. Be sure that you are eating a variety of foods and staying away from alcohol, caffeine, smoking and other recreational drugs.