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Circumcision decision

The subject of circumcision often takes unsuspecting parents by surprise. Chances are, you haven’t given much thought to what to do “down there” when the time comes. After all, it has been a few years since you were (or were not) circumcised.

To begin, you should know that circumcision is a controversial topic. This article will fill you in on some of the things you should consider about making the cut. If you are having a boy, or want to prepare for that eventuality, you should address the issue before junior is born. More often than not, men want their sons to be like them.

So, if you’re cut, you might decide to have junior cut (and vice versa). You’ll also probably want to make sure that you explain to him why his is kept intact or why his is cut before he sees other boys’ penises. Fortunately, you’ll have a couple years before you have to engage in this awkward conversation with your son.

Circumcision Defined

The “prepuce” of the foreskin, which is the piece of skin that covers the tip of the penis, is removed through a surgical procedure that involves placing a ring made of steel or plastic around the penis. If using the steel version, you may wish to ask for a local anesthetic to be applied to the area to numb the pain. It is painful (since it immediately severs the foreskin) and takes a few days to recover. Sometimes doctors will give the infant a baby Tylenol and a small candy nipple to suck on.

Unlike the steel ring, the plastic ring stays on for a few days. With this procedure, surgical thread is tied around the head of the penis and covered by the plastic ring. Together, the thread and the ring force the foreskin onto a groove that cuts it off over time. The plastic eventually falls off without the need for further medical attention.

Doctors usually perform the procedure a day or two after birth while the baby is still in the hospital. In Judaism, circumcision is performed on the eighth day after birth.

A Brief History

Circumcision originates from religious practice in both the Jewish and Muslim faith, and is based on a desire for cleanliness. Many English-speaking countries later adopted the practice as a way to keep males from masturbating and falling victim to alcoholism. No joke. In present day, the majority of newborn boys in the United States and Canada are circumcised whereas in Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America, circumcision is rarely performed.

Today, the alleged health benefits of circumcision are still based on a desire for cleanliness. Many continue to believe that a circumcised penis is cleaner than an uncircumcised penis. This is because the cleaning of an uncut penis requires a bit more attention: The foreskin has to be retracted in order to clean under the covered area of the penis. That said, a circumcised penis is very low maintenance and easy to keep clean – one simply washes it. No solvents are necessary in either procedure!

After Pregnancy Tips

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After having a baby, you’re likely anxious to get back to work in getting your old body back. Although some things have changed, including the time you’re able to devote to yourself and the time you have to prepare healthy meals, you still need to make healthy eating after a pregnancy a priority. You shouldn’t be too strict on yourself after having a baby, but instituting easy dieting tips can help you make better food choices and lose weight without depriving yourself of your favorite foods and restricting your self to an unforgiving diet regimen.

  • Talk to Your Doctor

Before you start dieting after having a baby, make sure that you visit your doctor for your six-week postpartum check-up. Your body needs ample time to recover after having a baby, notes, and it needs enough time to establish a good milk supply if you’re breastfeeding. Eat a sensible but nonrestrictive diet for the first six weeks. After your doctor gives you the go ahead, you can try a more aggressive diet plan.

  • Stash Snacks

Keep a myriad of snacks on hand. For the first few months after bringing a new baby home, you’ll likely find yourself unable to do much more than sit on the couch and feed the baby. Prepare all of your snacks once a week while your baby is napping. Then when you need a quick snack, you’ll have cut veggies and fruit, cheese cubes and crackers readily available to grab and go, and you won’t resort to convenient but unhealthy snacks such as chips or cookies.

  • Small Meals

New moms are always on the go, making elaborate, sit-down meals nonexistent for the first few months. Do away with three meals a day and instead try five smaller meals a day that you can eat quickly, recommends the Mayo Clinic. You’ll never be hungry, and you’ll stimulate your metabolism to constantly burn fat and calories by constantly eating. By never allowing yourself to get hungry, you do away with a slow metabolism that stores calories and fat in your body.

  • Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is nature’s way of getting your pre-baby body back. Fisher Price estimates that breastfeeding burns around 500 calories per day, but it also stimulates your appetite. Load up on fiber-rich foods such as veggies, legumes, nuts and whole grains so you feel full on less calories. Then breastfeed for as long as you can for a healthier baby and a healthier you.

  • Exercise with Baby

Don’t forget to add exercise to a healthy diet as you try to lose the baby weight. You may be limited in the activities you can do with a baby on your hip, but you can certainly go for a walk, do some squats and lunges with baby in hand, or look for a mommy and me baby yoga class to keep your physical activity level high as you eat more sensibly to lose weight.

What you looking for……

here is some beautiful  bays name, I hope you will any of them MAMA..

1. Jacob & Emily

2. Michael & Emma

3. Joshua & Madison

4. Matthew & Olivia

5. Ethan & Hannah

6. Andrew & Abigail

7. Daniel & Isabella

8. William & Ashley

9. Joseph & Samantha

10. Christopher & Elizabeth

11. Anthony & Alexis

12. Ryan & Sarah

13. Nicholas & Grace

14. David & Alyssa

15. Alexander & Sophia

16. Tyler & Lauren

17. James & Brianna

18. John & Kayla

19. Dylan & Natalie

20. Nathan & Anna

21. Jonathan & Jessica

22. Brandon & Taylor

23. Samuel & Chloe

24. Christian & Hailey

25. Benjamin & Ava

26. Zachary & Jasmine

27. Logan & Sydney

28. Jose & Victoria

29. Noah & Ella

30. Justin & Mia

31. Elijah & Morgan

32. Gabriel & Julia

33. Caleb & Kaitlyn

34. Kevin & Rachel

35. Austin & Katherine

36. Robert & Megan

37. Thomas & Alexandra

38. Connor & Jennifer

39. Evan & Destiny

40. Aidan & Allison

41. Jack & Savannah

42. Luke & Haley

43. Jordan & Mackenzie

44. Angel & Brooke

45. Isaiah & Maria

46. Isaac & Nicole

47. Jason & Makayla

48. Jackson & Trinity

49. Hunter & Kylie

50. Cameron & Kaylee

51. Gavin & Paige

52. Mason & Lily

53. Aaron & Faith

54. Juan & Zoe

55. Kyle & Stephanie

56. Charles & Jenna

57. Luis & &rea

58. Adam & Riley

59. Brian & Katelyn

60. Aiden & Angelina

61. Eric & Kimberly

62. Jayden & Madeline

63. Alex & Mary

64. Bryan & Leah

65. Sean & Lillian

66. Owen & Michelle

67. Lucas & Am&a

68. Nathaniel & Sara

69. Ian & Sofia

70. Jesus & Jordan

71. Carlos & Alexa

72. Adrian & Rebecca

73. Diego & Gabrielle

74. Julian & Caroline

75. Cole & Vanessa

76. Ashton & Gabriella

77. Steven & Avery

78. Jeremiah & Marissa

79. Timothy & Ariana

80. Chase & Audrey

81. Devin & Jada

82. Seth & Autumn

83. Jaden & Evelyn

84. Colin & Jocelyn

85.  Cody & Maya

86. Landon & Arianna

87. Carter & Isabel

88. Hayden & Amber

89. Xavier & Melanie

90. Wyatt & Diana

91. Dominic & Danielle

92. Richard & Sierra

93. Antonio & Leslie

94. Jesse & Aaliyah

95. Blake & Erin

96. Sebastian & Amelia

97. Miguel & Molly

98. Jake & Claire

99. Alejandro & Bailey

100. Patrick & Melissa

In this fast changing world, birth control has been considered as one of the important tools to enjoy your family life. Sometimes after pregnancy too, you will be thinking of which Contraception will work best for you after your baby is born.

There are many different types of birth control methods available today. The type of birth control you choose depends on your needs and that is best for you. Only you can decide what is best for you.